For this brief we had to look at lesser known methods of putting things in order. This involves how we categories things in a social or ideological form. My concept is based on an old manner of categorizing cold/unsolved case files in the SAPD. It is not an official way of categorizing files, ‘The 12 Apostle Files’. The files are reviewed monthly to check if there are any new evidence. The 12 refers to the 12 months of the year and this review or rotation is done for 5 consecutive years before they officially close the case. It is a slang term, but well known and used among older police officers. It is used less and less today due to automatic filing systems. I did some primary research to try and establish when the term were first used. One of the older Police officers I spoke to said that it dates as far back as 1913. I further looked at unsolved mysteries in our human history and attempted to solve and file them according to this term, ‘12 Apostle Files’. ​​​​​​​
There are many unsolved question in our history. I am going to attempt to give answers to these questions based on actual facts or even conspiracy 
theories. I’m going to do this by creating posters in which the answers are hidden and you need to search for it. The entire project is created to make reference to an ongoing investigation. This brings me to the ‘12 Apostle Files’. These cases are not being investigated but they are re-opened, by me, just like the apostle files are reviewed monthly. 

Color Palette


Marilyn Monroe's death was ruled a suicide but numerous conspiracy theories have led me to believe otherwise. After tons of research, investigating reports and articles it was revealed that Marilyn died from a barbiturate overdose, which was part of her daily medication. But the strange part was, there was not any barbiturate residue in her stomach contents. Further, after the autopsy, her organ samples were mysteriously destroyed.


Adolf Hitler's body was burned shortly after his death and the remains were moved countless times before they finally reached their last resting place. A secret team was put together to completely destroy and spread his ashes at a secret location. Only one member of the team is still alive today with the knowledge of the real burial site. But rumor has it, that it is near a small town called Biederitz.



There are only speculations of how Genghis Khan actually died and even more on where his tomb is. If anyone came in contact with the funeral's proceedings, they were murdered on the spot. But rumors might reveal the tomb location to be somewhere in the Kentii mountain range, more specific the mountain Burkhan Khaldun but the exact location of his tomb is unknown.
Thank You!
"The 3 Apostle Files"

"The 3 Apostle Files"
