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Possible Solutions of Gen Z to Address World Issues

Generation Z is intensely aware of the catastrophic consequences of global warming, and younger generations are now more interested in careers oriented on resolving the climate catastrophe than previous generations. A part of that generation, I am prepared to distribute my experience of what I have acquired upon taking this degree program, BS Human Ecology, which concentrates on the general welfare while studying our impacts on the environment. 

In our hometown, two significant issues are alleviating pollution and improper waste management, contributing to climate change. As elections are coming closer, I have to use my voice to show and tell the people to vote wisely. In this case, we can have a leader who cares about the environment. Eventually, a leader who has good intentions in our municipality, has prepared solid initiatives not just for proper waste disposal but also prioritizes the well-being of his citizens in the present and future. 

Global energy use is increasing, and we will encounter a lack of fossil fuels in the future. As a result, the accessibility of resources is a serious concern. As an individual, it is my responsibility to be efficient in consuming and conserving energy. Replacing some equipment for others is one method of achieving energy conservation through energy efficiency. While many objects and gadgets are used daily, replacing them with more energy-efficient equivalents could significantly save energy.

Energy conservation is critical for a variety of reasons. Along with lowering our dependency on non-renewable energy sources, it also helps you save money on energy costs, such as electricity bills and other energy-related expenses. By preserving and utilizing power more efficiently, we can directly reduce greenhouse gas emissions into the Earth's atmosphere. Additionally, consumers care about energy saving because of the economic and environmental benefits it provides. Energy conservation results in decreased living expenses, as energy savings translate into financial savings. 

The Philippine economy entered its worst postwar recession in 2020, exacerbated by a barrage of natural disasters, including the eruption of Taal Volcano and a spate of powerful typhoons that wreaked havoc on both lives and businesses. I have seen in the news the people who relied on the government's cash support programs, and knowing that it is not enough for my or my family, I have to think of ways to save up some cash through investing in online banking. Gen Z has emerged as the world's largest generational cohort, capable of reshaping the globe and causing seismic transformations in consumer behavior, workplace norms, and technology. Millennials and Gen Z are fanning the flames of change (Netzer, 2012). Aside from that, there are a lot of opportunities and job offerings online that could widen my connections and improve my skills and knowledge. With my hard work and plan today, I could assure myself to setter heights in the future. 

Sustainable agriculture enables us to produce and consume nutritious meals without jeopardizing future generations' ability to do the same. The key to sustainable agriculture is striking the proper balance between food production and environmental ecosystem maintenance. Additionally, sustainable agriculture supports farm economic stability and helps farmers improve their quality of life. Agriculture remains the world's largest employer, employing 40% of the world's population (Conserve Energy Future, 2020). 

When the local government unit help and economic assistance became scarce during a health crisis, community pantries sprang up around the Philippines to feed and sustain hungry Filipinos. One action that I can do is support local farmers by buying their local produce and donating to non-organizations that aid them. An example of this is an initiative led by a youth called Bayanihan Para Sa Magsasaka, which partners with several organizations to gather donations for rice farmers in some parts of the country. One of their most significant projects is Sponsor A Farmer. They accept any amount of cash for their recipients, who are picked in collaboration with the mayor's office or the area's local agriculturist.
Possible Solutions of Gen Z to Address World Issues

Possible Solutions of Gen Z to Address World Issues


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