Wayfinding and Spatial Design
Project Brief
Create a successful and effective wayfinding system for the Javett-UP Art Centre in the form of exterior and interior signage. The design of the system needs to be conceptually appropriate, functional and accessible to the diverse target audiences. 
Technical Specifications
1. The signage needs to be inspired by elements of the art centre
2. The signage must be engaging but must not distract from the art works
1. Style guide (typography, colour palette, iconography, shape, textures and site-inspired elements that informed your identity)
2. Wayfinding orientation map
3. Regulatory Icons 
4. Exterior identification signage with mockups
5. Interior identification signage with mockups
6. Information signage with mockups
7. Brochure with mockups (include information about the gallery as well as a map)
8. Vertical narrative presentation
Design Strategy
My strategy was to take references from the actual spaces in the gallery itself and let the signage echo them. By making the signage look like the site, it helps the viewer remember what the space looks like when they first see it. I used bright, modern colours and sharp angular shapes that echo the angular architecture and applied that same mindset to my iconography. The signage itself will be made from flat metallic pieces layered on top of each other. I paired the flat designs with a simple, bold font.

Inspiration and References
Style Exploration
Typography and Colour Pallet
Final Deliverables
General Signage
Bathroom Signage
Bathroom Signage Mockups
Interior Signage
Signage Mockups
Map Design
Foyer Signage
Exterior Signage
Signage Measurements
Signage Mockups
Brochure Design
Wayfinding Design


Wayfinding Design
