Mock Up App Promo: Happy Hour - Cocktail Building Interface
A project for ADIN 380: Intro to Animation
Overall, I am very happy with it the overall design. I had A LOT of technical errors with my computer crashing, especially once there was some text added. It made it look like the animation was slower on the previews, so it's a little quicker all in all then I would have liked and overall slowing it down more after the initial logo would help with legibility in text and idea. I also couldn't get my "diver" to animate the way I was hoping for outside of just having them jump and rotate in rather then more of a dive in and of itself.  I do like the transitions and movements that I chose and the color palette overall. I had a lot of fun creating all the graphics as well.
Happy Hour Mockup


Happy Hour Mockup

A mockup app video for an assignment. I chose to do a cocktail building app where you would pick what ingredients you had on you and they would Read More
