Jacky Nguyen's profile

Post-it Note Morphing Animation

The Post-it Note Morphing Animation is a super short piece I made for a school assignment. The goal was to produce an animation where an object or character would change shape, using only sticky notes and traditional drawing tools.

The characters utilised for this project are Fuzzy (Fox) and Fang (Bat), two buddies I created back in grade school. It was fun to morph them in an interesting way.

The short I made was compiled into a collection of Post-it Note Animations alongside other students who frankly did more impressive work than I did. Here's a link to that compilation if you're interested - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cdlDuWPN88o
Post-it Morph Animation (with Fuzzy and Fang)
Scanned Frames
The only real materials to show for this project are the individual frames themselves, which do go by pretty fast. Here are all 40 of the scanned frames from the animation.
Post-it Note Morphing Animation


Post-it Note Morphing Animation

A really short animation about a fox and a bat that was produced using sticky notes.
