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Listen Carefully ad campaign

I have been fortunate enough to work with the Open Source Healthcare proponent Lybba for the past few months. One of their clients is the amazing non-profit The Starkey Hearing Foundation, which travels around the world advising, fitting, and giving out hearing aids to those in need. Recently, we created an ad campaign for them, reskinned their website, and have been working on rebranding the organization with a new logo. The Listen Carefully ad campaign ran in USA TODAY print and web units for four weeks running. The last three weeks featured Miley Cyrus, who jumped into the campaign in time for us to create a sweepstakes whose prize was a chance to meet her at the Starkey Hearing Foundation annual Awards Gala.

Sooon to come: a new logo and reskinned website.
Listen Carefully ad campaign

Listen Carefully ad campaign

1 in 5 teens have preventable hearing loss. The Listen Carefully ad campaign aims to discourage teens from listening to music so loudly that they Read More
