Compose - MIEL (2020 - present)
Compose is a work that explores the role of compositional aspects on paper. It re-uses older experiments of this project in newer experiments, in example by using it as a background or using parts in a collage-style. This is to keep the progress and process involved in a constant surrounding of itself.

First I experimented with shape and quantity.◯​​​​​​​
◯​​​​​​​Then I experimented with colour-on-colour contrast and some designs
Here I created my own marker, using ink, paint, an empty deodorant-roller and a sock. I kept using this for parts of the project.◯​​​​​​​
These are my first works from the second generation of this project. You can see I incorporated certain works from the first generation for both the backgrounds and works themselves.
After some evaluation I came up with a few points to think about during the next generation and the next project like, experiment with a wider range of styles; try to go further than 2-dimensional; experiment more with size, go further than A2; and finally, try to implement more elements/objects into the works.
Compose (2020 - now)


Compose (2020 - now)
