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Food Shoot at Heston's new restaurant 'Dinner'

'Dinner' photo shoot
Here are a selection of my favourite images from the shoot
I was lucky enough to be asked to go and photograph Heston's new restaurant 'Dinner' for 'eat me magazine'. I was asked to photograph the interiors, get a portrait of Ashley Palmer-Watts (Who was lovely by the way), and photograph his famous meat fruit. This has been one of my most memorable experiences yet!

Here is a close-up of the spinning, caramilised pinapples.
Ashley Palmer-Watts checks every dish before it is served in the restaurant.
A portrait of Ashley with the famous meat fruit
Food Shoot at Heston's new restaurant 'Dinner'

Food Shoot at Heston's new restaurant 'Dinner'

I was commissioned by 'Eat Me Magazine' to photograph Heston Blumenthal's new restaurant 'Dinner' in Knightsbridge, London. It was an amazing exp Read More
