Sandra Gala's profile

"Paragon Algorithm" film's art direction & posters

Poster of the movie 'Paragon Algorithm' (New York, 2012) by a director Serge Levin
Постер для фильма "Paragon Algorithm" (Нью-Йорк, 2012) режиссёра Сержа Левина
Poster of the performance 'Hamlet' by an authour's theater 'Outlines in Space'
Постер для спектакля "Гамлет" авторского театра "Эскизы в пространстве"
Poster of the performance 'Shakespeare's Dreams' by a theatrical director Irina Mikheyshina
Постер для постановки "Сны Шекспира" театрального режиссёра Ирины Михейшиной
"Paragon Algorithm" film's art direction & posters

"Paragon Algorithm" film's art direction & posters

In 2012 I was working as the Art director of Serge Levin's movie 'Paragon Algorithm' ( I made the storyboarding Read More
