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Besides indulging in a bucket full of ice cream and binge-watching Friends on your cozy couch, yoga can help you relieve your cramps and enlighten your mood swiftly.
Figure 1- Yoga to Relieve PMS Pain
While you are troubled with painful cramps, unpleasant bloating, and constant fatigue, your brain might be telling you to stay under the blanket for the whole day. It's exercise and not your bed, which will help you to ease your pain efficiently.

According to researchers, 3 out of 4 women experience premenstrual syndromes, and it gets worse as they age older. Many might choose the easiest ways to relieve their pain by using painkillers or birth control pills. However, these medicines are not effective and healthy in the long run.

According to some studies, exercises, particularly yoga, can be an excellent treatment for relieving premenstrual syndromes and chronic pains. Yoga during PMS will provide you concrete and consolidated benefits. The benefits include a decrease in pain, soreness, inflammation, and cramping.

Scientifically, yoga helps to release endorphins, mood-boosting compounds from our bodies. Yoga accelerates blood circulation to our reproductive organs, relieves body stress, and encourages the brain to relax simultaneously.

We are presenting you 8-Yoga poses that will alleviate your period symptoms and put your PMS pains on the back door:

1. Child Pose (Also Known as Balasana)
Figure 2- Balasana for PMS Pain
This pose helps to ease your stress from your shoulder, thigh, neck, back, and hips. It also helps to relieve your fatigue and relax your mind and body.

Place your knees together on your yoga mat or the floor. Slowly bend forward by lowering your forehand to touch the ground and slowly exhale simultaneously. Keep your palms alongside on the floor and make sure they are facing downwards.

Now that you are in the pose, stretch your chest towards your thighs and hold for one minute. Make sure you regulate your breathing moderately. While you inhale, pull your navel to your spine and then slowly exhale by softening your arms and body. Repeat it 4-10 times, depending upon your strength and practice.

For returning to your initial posture, place your palms under your shoulders and raise your upper body to return to your sitting position as you were earlier.
2. Crocodile Pose (Also Known as Makarasana)
Figure 3-Makarasana for PMS Pain
This pose helps to ease your indigestion and constipation. It also helps to relieve the stress of your back muscles, arms, legs, and buttocks.
Take your yoga mat and lie down on your stomach. Fold your hands and place the tips of your elbows on the ground. Also, make sure your fingers are facing towards the ceiling and maintain distance between the elbows.

Now raise your head and shoulders. Keep your neck straight and look forward. Now bend your head a little forward and place your palm on your chin. Onwards, stretch your legs with the toes facing downwards and feel your body touching the ground.

Breathe moderately and stay in this asana for a while. To release from this posture, slowly remove your palms from your chin, bring your shoulders and hand down, and rollover.
3. Half God of the Fish Pose (Also Known as Ardha Matsyendrasana)
Figure 4- Ardha Matsyendrasana for PMS Pain
It helps to stretch your back muscles and provides relief to your spinal areas. Also, it helps to relax your abdominal areas that cramps during PMS pains.
Sit on your yoga mat with your legs stretched out, keeping your feet together and the spine erect. Bend your left leg and place it beside your right hip. Now, place your left hand on the right knee and the right hand behind you.

Onwards, slowly twist your shoulder and neck towards your right and look straight over your right shoulder. Keep your spine and breathing intact, and hold this position for a while.

Now to get back to your original posture, stop twisting and release your right hand first. Then slowly your waist, chest, and finally your neck. Repeat to the other side.
4. Cat Pose (Also Known as Marjaryasana)
Figure 5- Marjaryasana for PMS Pain
It helps to relieve stress on your neck, shoulders, and stomach. Also, it helps to increase flexibility and digestion during PMS pains.
Place your hands and knees on your yoga mat in a tabletop position. Place your knees directly under your waist. Also, your wrist, shoulders, and elbow are in line. Look downward and centralize your head in a neutral position.

Now, you need to exhale and round your spine towards the ceiling, keeping your shoulders and knee intact. Onwards, release your head towards the floor but do not force your chin to touch your chest. Try to keep your balance for one minute.

To return to your original position, you need to inhale and reciprocate the steps we have mentioned.
5. Standing Forward Bend Pose (Also Known as Padahastasana)
Figure 6-Padahastasana for PMS Pain
This posture reduces the overall stress from your body. It helps to relieve tension, mainly focusing on your heels, legs, stomach, and shoulders.
Stand on your yoga mat with feet two inches apart. Slowly inhale and raise your arms parallel towards the ceiling. Stretch up your body through your waist and slowly bend forward towards the ground while exhaling. Make sure your legs and hands are straight. Try to touch as much as you can and hold that position for thirty to forty seconds.

To get back to your original posture, slowly reciprocate the above steps while maintaining your breath. Repeat it three-four times.
6. Fish Pose (Also Known as Matsyendrasana)
Figure 7- Matsyendrasana for PMS Pain
This posture helps to relieve stress from your abdominal organs and muscles. Also, it helps to reduce depression and anxiety during PMS pains.
Lie down on your back with your feet together and hands relaxed alongside your body. Now, place your hands below your hips to each side with your palms facing the floor. Make sure to bring your elbows closer to each other.

Now, inhale and lift your head and chest towards the ceiling. Keep your chest elevated, head a little backward, and try to touch the top of your head to the floor. Do not try to exceed your limit. Now, press your elbows firmly on the ground to shift your body weight on the floor and slowly lift your chest upward. Hold this posture as long as you can.

To get back in your original posture, lift your head up and lower your chest. Bring your hands towards your body and relax.
7. Bridge Pose (Also Known as Setu Bandhasana)
Figure 8-Setu Bandhasana for PMS Pain
It helps to relieve headaches, which is a common ailment a woman suffers during PMS pains. Also, it helps to reduce depression, improves blood circulation, and relaxes the nervous system.
Lie down on your yoga mat with your back on the floor. Draw your feet towards your hips and make sure they are parallel to each other. Now, lift your body concentrating on your stomach towards the ceiling, along with your back, thigh, and hips. Lock your chin and chest and hold your position. Maintain your breath moderately.

For a beginner, you can place your hands sideways and engage them to support your back. Slowly exhale and lower your body back to the floor. Relax your arms and repeat after a while.
8. Corpse Pose (Also Known as Savasana)
Figure 9-Savasana for PMS Pain
It's our all-time favorite. It will help you to neutralize your body and increase concentration.
Lie down on your yoga mat on your back. Spread your legs straight, and your arms are relaxed on both sides. Let your feet fall to a neutral position and palms facing towards the cloud. Keep your breathing normal and allow your body to relax.

Stay in this position for a few minutes. Slowly open your eyes and feel the breeze.

Final Thoughts

A balanced diet, practicing yoga, and working like ordinary days is everything a woman needs during PMS pains. However, it's not that easy to maintain in the modern lifestyle. One needs to push a little extra to reach their health goals. That's why along with yoga, nutritious supplements are vital for every woman to relieve their PMS pains.

Nutritional supplements containing chaste berry extracts, vitamin C, magnesium sulfate, passionflower, etc., can help reduce premenstrual symptoms. Satthwa, Natrol LLC, Power Gummies, The Himalayan Organics, etc., are some trusted and reputed brands one must consider for buying these supplements.

Get your mats and begin practicing your poses. It's never late for a healthy start!


