Derrick Robbins's profile

Barkus Heating & Cooling Logo Redesign

I'm proud to showcase the comprehensive branding and marketing assets I've developed for Barkus Heating & Cooling. This project demonstrates my skills in creating a cohesive visual identity for this local HVAC company.

The centerpiece of this work is the Barkus logo, which I crafted to be both professional and memorable. The bold, stylized font and complementary color palette of red and navy blue convey a sense of reliability and expertise. I've ensured the logo can be effectively applied across various mediums, from apparel and stationery to vehicle graphics and digital assets.

Beyond the logo, I've designed a range of branded merchandise to strengthen Barkus' brand recognition. The selection of t-shirts, hats, and other promotional items showcases my ability to translate the visual identity into tangible products that can be used for employee uniforms, customer giveaways, or retail sales.

One unique touchpoint I created is a durable sticker that can be placed on the customer's furnace or air conditioning unit. This serves as a permanent business card, ensuring the Barkus brand remains visible if the unit experiences any issues in the future. The client was thrilled with this practical and branded solution.

Additionally, I designed a custom flag featuring the Barkus logo. This was a unique request from the client to prominently display their brand at their physical shop location, further enhancing their visual presence in the community.

To further enhance the company's marketing efforts, I've created a comprehensive suite of print and digital materials. This includes a custom vertical business card with a spot UV coating, showcasing my attention to detail and ability to create unique, high-quality assets. I've also developed responsive web design mockups and social media assets to ensure Barkus can effectively engage with their customers across both physical and digital touchpoints.

Lastly, I created a stencil of the Barkus logo, allowing the brand name to be spray-painted onto company property. This innovative solution helps prevent theft and further solidifies the brand's presence.

Throughout this project, I've demonstrated my proficiency in crafting cohesive branding solutions, my attention to detail in asset creation, and my versatility in adapting the visual identity to diverse applications. I'm confident that this comprehensive portfolio of work highlights my skill set as a designer and my ability to deliver impactful, strategic branding solutions.
Barkus Heating & Cooling Logo Redesign


Barkus Heating & Cooling Logo Redesign
