Jun Lin's profile

Nintendo Switch Menu Design

Nintendo Switch Menu - Re-design
Project Goal:
Re-design the Switch Home Menu design
The Nintendo Switch was first launched in 2017 and since then they barely changed anything to the user interface. In my opinion, I believe it could've been better than the current state. Therefore, I took action and created a few designs that can be beneficial for the console. However, I do love the design of the menu and I don't want to fix something that is not broken.
Original Switch Menu
Home Menu Design
My first idea was to change the background to selected game arts, this brings life to the games and creates a more vibrant theme. I also change the game title from simple text to game style titles, thus creating a more artistic look to it. (See below for demo)
First concept
Home Menu Re-design
My first idea was to change the navigation system of the menu. For example, if you have many games, you would have to scroll quiet often to get to certain games, and at the end of the right side, there  would be a folder contains all your applications. Therefore, I wanted to change it to a automatic grid system, this increases the usability, thus reducing the time to having scrolling all the way to the right and and click on the folder then select what application you want to run.

​​​​​​​I have also changed the game title to a simple text but with extra information such as achievements, hours played, what type of game is it (cartridge, SD card or system storage)

Since there are more information to the title, I have to remove the menu bar at the bottom.
Second concept
Bottom Menu Bar Design
Here we have the new design for the bottom menu bar, using the same idea as Windows/Macs where the menu bar can auto hide. This not only hides the menu to provide a focus view on the game it also does not cost extra step for user to navigate the menu bar. The user only has to press down and then menu will come up, same as the original. 
Messaging Application
I added a messaging application for the Switch and I think it's a wonderful idea to have instead of using the mobile switch application to communicate. The design is a very basic concept, because I don't want to add too much colours or designs. I want the user to solely focus on the messages.
Nintendo Switch Menu Design


Nintendo Switch Menu Design



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