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Eerie: The Filipino Horror Flick You Shouldn’t Miss

Eerie: The Filipino Horror Flick You Shouldn’t Miss
108 Media is known for creating innovative and entertaining content and cross-cultural projects. Their Filipino horror movie Eerie certainly seems to live up to its name. It appeared on Netflix in 2019. Many fans of the show claimed it left them sleeping with the light on.

Eerie Storyline

Eerie is set at an all girls catholic school, St. Lucia. A girl named Erika commits suicide at the school. The clairvoyant guidance counselor decides to get to the bottom of the suicide, because she cares about the students. She uncovers some shocking secrets, helped by Erika.

Erika makes appearances that traumatize the students. She terrifies one student so badly that she goes home and refuses to return. It’s a suspense-style movie with its fair share of jump scares and a storyline that keeps you engaged until the end. Erika has been watching the school for years, and eventually, the bloody history of the school is revealed.

Erika isn’t exactly a protagonist, however. Her parents come to pick up her belongings and she discovers she can possess them. She possesses her dad and strangles her mom. Then kills her father.

Eerie’s Road to Success

Eerie is the result of a collaboration between Filipino-based ABS-CBN, and 108 Media. It was directed by Mikhael Red. Red also directed the first Filipino movie to be shown on Netflix, Birdshot.

The film industry has evolved in recent years. Hollywood used to set the standard for horror movies, but now audiences are more open to cross-cultural films. Eerie’s subtitles seem to add to the appeal for American audiences, requiring them to stay focused on the movie.
Looking away during a scary scene means missing out on a piece of the story.

It was first released at the Singapore International Film Festival. It was released in the Philippines shortly after. It also appeared at the Bucheon International Fantastic Film Festival. Netflix heard the buzz about the movie, and acquired the film in early August 2019. It got a slow start on the platform, but gained popularity as fans began speaking about how scary it was.

108 Media is a unique entertainment company. They work with both indie and corporate media companies and producers. They focus on glocal content, which means content that is both global and local. This accounts for part of their success with films like Eerie, which has been successful in the Philippines and globally.

They specialize in deals that cross borders to bring unique cultural content to the big and small screen. They work across the entire media value chain. Other popular releases from 108 Media  include The Long Walk, which appeared in film festivals worldwide.
Eerie: The Filipino Horror Flick You Shouldn’t Miss

Eerie: The Filipino Horror Flick You Shouldn’t Miss
