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How face masks provide protection against Coronavirus

Working of different types of masks

N95 masks

An N95 mask is a type of respirator. Compared to medical masks it offers more protection as when the wearer inhales it filters out both large and small particles.

Because of the scarcity of N95 masks, the CDC has reserved them for health care providers. Before using an N95 mask the health care providers must be trained and they should pass a fit test. You will find different types of disposable masks China.
Cloth masks

A cloth mask is made with the intention to trap respiratory droplets that are released when the wearer talks, coughs, or sneezes. It protects the wearer from inhaling droplets released by others by acting as a barrier.

Cloth masks provide maximum effectiveness when they are made of multiple layers of tightly-woven fabric like cotton.
Medical masks

These are also referred to as surgical masks and these are loose-fitting disposable masks. These masks protect the wearer from contact with droplets and sprays that consists of germs. When the wearer breathes in, the medical mask filters out large particles that are present in the air.

If you want medical masks to be fit then you can knot the ear loops where they attach to the mask. Then under the edges fold and tuck the unneeded material.
How to Get Maximum Benefit from Your Mask

You can improve the effectiveness of cloth and medical masks by making sure that the masks are well fitted to the contours of your face so that they can prevent leakage of air around the masks' edges.

Masks should be snug over the nose, mouth, and chin without any gaps. While breathing out you should feel warm air coming through the front of the mask. Air should not come out from the edges of the mask.
Many people choose to buy disposable Masks and wear them under the cloth mask. In such cases, the cloth mask must press the edges of the disposable mask against the face. Never add layers if they make it hard to breathe or obstruct your vision.

Find the best supplier online to get the best deal.
Kylin Manufactory
Address: WangJiangmeng Industrial area Linhai, Taizhou, Zhejiang, China 317000
Ph: +86 180 58410996
Email: kylingame@hotmail.com
Skype: nealzhou@hotmail.com
How face masks provide protection against Coronavirus

How face masks provide protection against Coronavirus


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