Violeta Fuentes's profile

Remix & Editing Videos

A Remix in the form of fan-made movie trailer around Mad Max post-apocalyptic world remixed to present and critique Mexico's current situation around the mass kidnapping & disappearance of 43 student of Ayotzinapa Rural School in Guerrero handed to a drug cartel by the police on September 26, 2014 which to-date is still unsolved regardless of all the social commotion that originated around it.
MAD MEX: Fury Road Remix collects and remixes under a #FairUse policy content found online from news, documentaries and others to depict the reality of the conflict, fast-forward footage depicts the actual development of events that occur since the disappearance of the students to the response of society with the aim to generate a critique when positioned against the post-apocalyptic world described in MadMax:Fury Road.
A new interpretation of the Dance Scene from the movie "The Goddess of 1967"
Rules: Keep the main action of the scene in which a boy teaches a blind girl how to dance, anything else has acquire a new interpretation and trough a cinematographic language we hope it's able to acquire a new meaning, interpretation and style.
In a society where the government subjugate the people with devices and mechanisms to incapacitate them in order that no one has more strength, intelligence or beauty than the other, the government has finally made us all completely equal. The only one who stands out is Leonardo, a boy who is not affected by the devices and still have the ability to imagine and think. One day he discovers that maybe he’s not alone, Julia, a girl her age, seems to be special, just like him.
The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Andersen, a well known story narrated story through fixed image and sound.
Trough narrative and audiovisual language we create a new story from existing footage, in this exercise we remix Beauty and the Beast into a horror trailer in which Belle is a girl that starts listening voices.
Editing and Colour-Correction
Remix & Editing Videos

Remix & Editing Videos
