Ron Kolath's profile

Mount Stokes - New Zealand

Mount Stokes
The view of the sounds from mount Stokes
Somewhere over the Marlborough Sounds in the north part of the south island of New Zealand, towering over the Queen Charlotte Track there is a mountain called Mount Stokes.
It is the tallest mountain in the Marlborough sounds and going up it is just beautiful.
a sea of clouds all around the mountain
The climb up starts on the side of the road with a goat track, once we found it, all we needed to do was follow the markers to the top.
We started walking early in the morning and the skies were cloudy, after a part of the way up we entered the cloud and we were walking in a mist inside the native forest. it was magical, hearing the birds flying between the trees and fog.
When we got to the top and out of the trees we saw that all of the surroundings were covered with clouds. Anywhere we looked we could see the clouds from above. What a special sight to behold, it was like watching a sea of clouds.
We sat on the top of the mountain for a while as the clouds slowly cleared and the views appeared.
Suddenly we could see all the sounds around us, see the north island and the towering southern alps, we were awestruck so we had to stay longer.
We stayed at the top for more than 2 hours because the scenery was so impressive.
Going down it was a little slippery and Naama fell and hurt her arm. it was a bit of a fright but everything was fine.
All in all it was an amazing day with a lot of wonder on a not so popular hike in beautiful New Zealand
Mount Stokes - New Zealand


Mount Stokes - New Zealand
