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JPD Financial Rebrand: Logo, Website and Identity Kit

Rebrand: Logo, Website, and Identity Kit - JPD Financial

Rebrand project for JPD Financial, a financial services firm serving Fortune 500 clients. They were acquired in 2020.

Logo and Identity Kit
Below appear logos, website, business card, letterhead, pocket folder, envelopes, and PowerPoint templates created for this project.

Website Content and Copywriting
For their website I performed extensive competitor analysis in order to determine how to position their product/services and company. Based on this analysis we determined the website layout and content.

I wrote the copy, a major undertaking given the sophisticated nature of their product and diverse customer base. I can provide the copy upon request.

Logo With Tagline


Business Card


Pocket Folder

Letter and Catalogue Envelopes
JPD Financial Rebrand: Logo, Website and Identity Kit


JPD Financial Rebrand: Logo, Website and Identity Kit
