Marcella Onzo's profile

Artivism for Gender Equality

January - April 2019
My submission for the Un Woman (the United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women) call Artivism for Gender Equality,
My work was one of the selected works among over a 1000 submissions coming from all over the world.

My gif come from the idea that the battle for equal rights is not something that concerns only women, as we often tend to consider, it is a battle that should affect all people, of all ages, of all genres. And no country, no minority, must be abandoned.

The process:

Rights only move forward if they walk with us. This battle belongs to everyone.
Rights make progress, only if they walk with us, if we support them day after day. Each individually, each for everyone. In this gif a small and colorful community on the move supports gender equality.

Final work:

Final work after client's revisions.


Some other selected works:

Thanks for watching

Artivism for Gender Equality


Artivism for Gender Equality
