Capstone Project
Reshaping a new quarantine experience in Hong Kong

By: LEUNG Po Kin, Steven | Tutor: Horace Pan 
ISOASIS is an integrated project that aims to create an innovative, holistic, and user- centred quarantine experience through interior, product, and communication design systems. The project envisions the tourism industry in the post-Covid-19 pandemic world where the quarantine system is designed based beyond physical needs of the users and becomes a therapeutic and mentally rewarding experience.

The main idea of the project is to create a quarantine service system experience for visitors in Hong Kong with an emphasis on the mental well-being and psychological needs of the users. This holistic service system explores a wide range of interior and environmental, product, and communication design solutions. The main idea of this project is using “chromotherapy” to improve mental wellbeing of the users and reconnect humans and “nature” as a response to the issues that are brought upon by Covid-19.

Isoasis | LEUNG Po Kin, Steven

Isoasis | LEUNG Po Kin, Steven
