Created for Cornell University course CS 3300: Data-Driven Web Applications. Coded in a team of three focused more on functionality than design, but with an awareness of basic usability. The idea was a collaborative puzzle solving Facebook game where multiple users could work simultaneously on a puzzle cut from a picture. A link to the write up can be accessed here. The project won a Yahoo! contest at the end of the semester, awarding our team $300 for originality and functionality. 
The starting page, where a photo could be chosen, a level selected, friends invited, and puzzle initiated. 
What an active puzzle looked like - with collaborators along the top and moveable pieces (moveable by all users).
The "Ongoing Puzzles" tab, where you could view incompleted puzzles, time since start, and collaborators.
A collection of all completed puzzles, time since, and collaborators.
Puzzle Pals

Puzzle Pals

Interactive Puzzle Facebook game
