ATS2169 YINGFAN LI's profile

Famous food from Chinese roadside stalls

ATS 2169 Yingfan Li
My feature is about some snacks at roadside stalls on Chinese streets, and introduces the materials and methods of making some snacks, as well as the influence of each snack on people.
Spicy crawfish, a well-known food in Changsha.

Spicy crawfish, a traditional dish of Hunan Province, belongs to the Hunan cuisine. This dish is made of crayfish, which is red in color, smooth and tender in texture, and spicy and fresh in taste. 

Since the reform and opening up, with Hunan people all over the country to promote Hunan cuisine, Spicy crawfish instantly popular nationwide. This red color bright spicy fresh Spicy crawfish spread to Shanghai, Beijing and other places, not only many strangers deliberately come to Hunan to eat Spicy crawfish, but also those who do not like chili peppers also become unusually fond of eating. (12 June 2021)
Cucumber Salad, a must-order pre-dinner snack in every restaurant.

Cucumber Salad is a home-made cold dish, the main ingredient is cucumber, mixed with various seasonings. It is cool and refreshing, suitable for summer. From a nutritional point of view, cucumber peels are rich in nutrients and should be reserved for raw consumption. Cucumber salad is not only cool, but also has the effect of removing toxins from the body, and has a cosmetic effect, and the delicious taste of cucumber can also help digestion in summer, and the dietary fiber it contains has the effect of promoting the excretion of toxic substances and lowering cholesterol. (10 June 2021)
Cold seaweed, a necessity for dieters, is both nutritious and delicious.

Cold seaweed is an appetizer made from seaweed, chili and other ingredients. It has a salty, fresh and slightly spicy taste. Cold seaweed is the best seafood for women because it moistens and darkens the hair and helps burn fat. Kelp is rich in calcium, which prevents calcium deficiency in the body. A special amino acid contained in kelp has the effect of lowering blood pressure, which can prevent hypertension and cerebral hemorrhage. Kelp is abundant in summer, and many people choose to buy cold kelp at the roadside for a convenient way to relieve the heat. (10 June 2021)
Bundled chicken is a rare delicacy and has a complex preparation process.

There are two types of chicken bundles. The first one is meat chicken, which is made of duck intestines, chicken intestines and pork intestines tied together to make ham-like and then brined in a prepared marinade, while the vegetarian chicken has actually made of soy products. Although bundled chicken looks easy to make, the complex preparation actually discourages many people, so the old alley food has become less and less common, and today it is even more of a luxury to be able to eat bundled chicken on the street. (10 June 2021)
The interviewee, Guoying Luo, consumed at a famous local barbecue restaurant - WenHeYou, in Changsha.

In Changsha, late-night snacking has belonged to a kind of activity program for young people's night life. WenHeYou has led the barbecue to become popular nationwide, and to go to WenHeYou once to eat barbecue need to queue through the network to get the number to eat. In the face of the huge flow of customers this phenomenon, Guoying Luo said "through several hours of queuing to come here to eat barbecue, is not so worth, the food here in other barbecue stalls can also be eaten." See the crowd outside the queue is still full of expectation, but in fact, barbecue in Changsha is very common, the taste is more or less the same, but spend hours to queue is completely unnecessary.
A roadside stall owner, in the street, Changsha, China, sells sugar gourd.

Sugar gourd is one of the traditional Chinese snacks, which has made of wild fruits skewered with bamboo sticks and dipped in malt sugar. It is a common snack in winter in the northern China, usually made of hawthorn skewers, the sugar is frozen hard, eaten sour and sweet, as well as cold and delicious.

As we all know, there are few cultures of this handicraft art left today, and only a small number of people have been passing it on (Sohu 2017). So this is why the snack that was common in ancient times has become a rare Chinese specialty today. (31 May 2021)
A roadside stall owner, in the street, Changsha, China, sells Sugar Oil Cake.

Sugar Oil Cake is a traditional food in Changsha City, Hunan Province, which belongs to Hunan cuisine. Its cost is cheap, the main raw material is glutinous rice flour and sugar, but its manufacturing process is delicate and elaborate, with a special manufacturing process, although it cannot be in the hall of elegance, and even more so, it cannot be comparable to the mountains and seafood, shark's fin and bear's paw, but it is because of its cheap status, it can enter the ordinary people's homes, and is loved by the public, becoming a snack that folk never get tired of eating. (31 May 2021)
Chinese Grilled Spare Ribs, which are easy to make, are an essential late-night side dish for young people.

Chinese barbecue ribs is a dish made with ribs, soy sauce, salt, pepper, and cumin as the main ingredients. It is the most primitive form of human cooking, where food is heated with fuel and placed on an iron grid in close contact with the heat source until it is ready to eat. Barbecued ribs are usually found at street-side late-night stalls. Because young people like to eat some side dishes while drinking and chatting on the street, and barbecued ribs is that indispensable side dish. You can always smell the aroma of ribs wafting from far away when you walk down the road late at night. (31 may 2021)
The interviewee, Yifei Li, operated an unknown late-night snack bar, in Changsha.

The store looks particularly forlorn on the roadside, with few customers, but the owner still greets passersby and sells his food. The owner, Yifei Li , said "the ingredients are carefully selected and processed, but this does not attract customers, every store will say so themselves. What's really needed is visibility, and we don't have the means to get higher visibility in these small stores. "Not every late-night snack store is as famous as WenHeYou, but every late-night snack store has a taste like Wen and You. Instead of spending time queuing at one store, it is better to spend time patronizing more and better eating stores. (4 June 2021)
Stinky tofu, the famous authentic Changsha roadside stall snack.

Stinky tofu is one of the traditional Chinese snacks with the feature of "smelling bad but tasting good". There are considerable differences in the way it is made and eaten in different places, with different types in the north and south. Although its name is vulgar, it is a traditional Chinese snack with great characteristics.

In fact, stinky tofu belongs to the fermented soybean products, the production process will not only produce certain spoilage substances, but also susceptible to bacterial contamination, from the health point of view, it is better to eat less. (12 June 2021)
Famous food from Chinese roadside stalls

Famous food from Chinese roadside stalls


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