This project was a conceptual live brief from Droga5. I was asked to design a new identity for ASDA own branded beer. My idea was based off of how beer effects people when they drink it and who are the most likely people to drink beer in general. The answers to these statements are: drinking beer can make you violent and it is mostly drunk by men hence why my final outcome is based off of fighting and male boxers.

Below is a sticker sheet which I designed to go on the back of the labels on each bottle and can of ASDA beer. On the back of each bottle and can is a sticker of the boxer that the beer is representing then the consumer can stick their sticker onto their sheet. When they fill up their sheet then they win a free box of beer. 
These posters are designed so anyone can get involved and draw on who they think the famous boxers are in the silhouettes. This is an effective way of advertising ASDA beer because people will remember physically drawing on the posters. 
Fighting Juice

Fighting Juice
