I feel like I've Been Here Before
Definition: Anamnesis - recollection, especially of a supposed previous existence.
Anamnesis was conceptualised after a conversation with Father J, about his upcoming music album - and the piece was created with this intention. The three figures represent the many stages of growth in human existence, our roots and traditions (where we come from), to our present selves (where we are), to the pinnacle of evolution of the human conscience (where we're going). Been Here Before addresses the many points of physical and mental health we reach in our lives: we teach ourselves lessons, and overcome obstacles, only to find that somewhere down the line the same obstacles test us again. Such is the process of growing - to reiterate and revaluate our learnings, slowly, intentionally, powerfully. 
Thank you Father J, for trusting me to graphically represent your thoughts and ideas, and supporting me through it.


