Ahmad Khawaja's profile

Heart - Philanthropy That Funds Independent Filmmaking

An entrepreneur that has been recognized by prominent business publications, Ahmad Khawaja, Ph.D. is in the middle of launching an AI platform, Artificial Intelligence Defense Platform (AIDP), to revolutionize the way companies conduct business. Outside of this new venture, Dr. Ahmad Khawaja supports the independent film company From the Heart Productions.

From the Heart is a company that focuses on filming unique narratives that contribute in some way to society. Through its Roy Dean Grant, the company provides a platform for independent filmmakers with a great idea but little funding.

The grant’s origins begin when the person for whom the funding is named, Roy Dean Grant, worked in the front counter so he could meet interesting filmmakers. In retirement, Mr. Grant used this time to listen to the latest projects of the artists who frequented the production studios.

Unfortunately, Mr. Grant passed away in the early 1990s, but his presence in the office was missed, as seen through the many cards sent to his child. Many of these cards impressed upon the fact that Mr. Grant was integral to inspiring these artists in becoming filmmakers, and in honor of his impact, the grant was established.

The requirements for funding for these projects are uncomplicated. Those interested must be making a short film, documentaries, web series, or a low-budget independent feature. Finally, funding cannot exceed $500,000.
Heart - Philanthropy That Funds Independent Filmmaking

Heart - Philanthropy That Funds Independent Filmmaking


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