Joshua Newcomb's profile

Armchair Historian Work - Mega Project

Armchair Historian Mega Portfolio
German Occupied Poland - March 21st, 2021
Two Polish resistance fighters at the start of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944. Their fates are unknown.
A group of Polish resistance members engaging German forces during the Warsaw Uprising. As evident in the photo, many fighters wore stolen German uniforms and used stolen equipment and weapons.
Two resistance fighters engaging in the ruins during the uprising. They operate with stolen uniforms but wear the resistance armband to identify themselves.
Another group of fighters having their picture taken during the uprising.
Polish Refugees fleeing Warsaw after the German occupation of the city in 1939.
How Prussia Ended the French Empire: Franco-Prussian War
Punic Wars from the Carthaginian Perspective
Cuban Missile Crisis from the Cuban Perspective - May 22nd, 2021
US Big Business supporting the 'Banana Republics' of Central and South America
Raul Castro, Guevara and Khrushchev having a meeting inside of a repurposed aircraft hanger in Cuba. This scene has lights illuminate the weaponry in the background.
A scene with JFK talking about Cuba and two Cuban exiles, a mother and daughter, watching.
Armchair Historian Work - Mega Project

Armchair Historian Work - Mega Project
