Americos Chemicals Pvt Ltd's profile

Americos Chemicals Pvt Ltd

Know about the importance of Photochromic colors
Photochromic Pigments is a strength planned powder to change shading when presented to an UV light source, however responds best to coordinate daylight. White or dull when not presented to daylight.

The entirety of our photochromic pigments are embodied importance they can be utilized to make photochromic paint, sap, epoxy, inks, water based mediums, plastic, gels, acrylic and considerably more without getting harmed or drying out the medium. Can seem straightforward in an unmistakable medium with a lower powder blending proportion.

Use photochromic colors for an assortment of utilizations! Screen prints an undetectable structure onto a shirt that must be seen on a splendid radiant day! Blend yellow photochromic color with blue tinted paint to make a light blue paint that turns green when presented to daylight! Shading blends like these are interminable with photochromic color!

We offer the biggest choice of luminous shine in obscurity powder available. Shop the most splendid, generally remarkable and uncommon photograph luminescent color. Our gleam powders are likewise UV and dark light receptive. We endeavour to just sell the greatest item at the best cost.

Our Products have gladly been a merchant of top of the line sparkle shades for very nearly 10 years. We highly esteem offering the best gleam shades and paints available at an amazing cost, just as first rate client assistance. You shop straightforwardly from here for proficient gleam in obscurity hues powder and indoor and open air acrylic shine in obscurity paint.

Purchase Eco-accommodating, non-lethal photograph luminescent items at a serious cost. We presently additionally convey shading changing thermo chromic and Photochromic Pigment. Our items have substantiated themselves as the most brilliant, generally tough, and most secure available today. We additionally sell an assortment of mediums and apparatuses just as tar, epoxy that has been verified to work best with our shades and paints. We are a one stop search for your whole sparkle in obscurity and shading evolving needs.
Americos Chemicals Pvt Ltd

Americos Chemicals Pvt Ltd


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