Commute Map ➜
A map of my commuting experience from my house to the art building.
There is a stark disparity between the way my route is charted out on Google Earth and the way I perceive it as I'm on my way to class. I wanted to contrast the two by "mapping" them to each other somehow.  
My route as a path on Google Earth
Visual Brief
While brainstorming, I drew inspiration from the way maps and paths are rendered in apps or for places like aquariums and zoos, which are challenged with making maps that are both informative and appealing. I was particularly interested in the way lines and arrows are used to represent connections as well as direction.  
At first, I experimented with the idea of taking the path as rendered on Google Earth and adding my own labels and landmarks to it in order to make it more personal.
However, the result lacked in the imagery I associate with my commute and contained little to no sense of direction. The text also made it difficult to add any other visual elements to the layout without it seeming too cluttered. 
Thinking back to the AR and street view features in apps like Google Maps and Pokémon Go!, I ended up moving towards an image-based map with digitally rendered lines representing my path through every segment of the journey.
Each color on the center map corresponds to one or more "snapshot" of my route.
The circled images in the middle are like location pins representing meaningful events or landmarks not fully captured by the other photos.     
Commute Map


Project Made For

Commute Map

Graphic design exercise based on the theme of maps and journeys.
