This book is an Independent Typography Project that allows student designers to explore and research the possibilities of typography. This project was one of the independent typography projects done for Wolfgang Weingart’s typography class for graduate-level students. The process was not from a programmed syllabus. Every student creates their own project, design philosophy, and structure. The steps that were given for this assignment included, 1. Find subject and material, 2. Begin working without thinking too much, 3. Search for possibilities, and 4. Select. For my imagery I selected a data chart of the low and high ocean wave tides of Santa Cruz, California in the Month of January 2021. This source had a lot of data with numerical information giving exact measurements of the high and low tide marks, imagery with the blue wavelength lines and bullet points, and context with the calendar including the weeks and days displayed. I then manipulated my image to reveal an underlying theme to my work. Through the exploration of this project the themes of breaking free, uncontainable, huge, and uncontrolled were revealed. After analyzing the 92 images of exploration I created based off of the wave chart, a curation of 15 photos were selected that resembled the themes I discovered above.
Weingart Project

Weingart Project
