Heritage buildings tend to be undesirable to commercial interests due to their complexities, cost of conservation and maintenance. 

This is a public realm project attempting to facilitate an appreciation and awareness of forgotten heritage sites, reuniting the disparate segments of the Melbourne CBD.

The project is inserted in this site as a complement to the existing lane ways of the city, extending an invitation for people to come closer. Articulated frontages create spatial displacements that take you from the exterior to the interior of the sites, amplifying its qualities and staging strategic encounters that speak to the quality and integrity of the heritage features.

Using diagramming, mapping, collaging and physical modelling, this project endeavours to capitalize on what is already there and to grow something new out of something old. The intent was not to over design the alleyway with elaborate interventions, but rather amplify the existing context and design it as an immersive experience.

Framing Laneways

Framing Laneways
