Giulia Fabro's profile

Consorzio di Bonifica Pianura Friulana

Competition for the design of an identification symbol for the​​​​​​​
Consorzio di Bonifica Pianura Friulana
The Consorzio di Bonifica Friulana is a corporation entrusted with the important task of maintaining and managing watercourses in the territory. 
It provides for the creation of public drainage works for the distribution of water used for agricultural development and all related activities. After a series of interviews and field research, I tried to translate their indispensable work in the best possible way through each element of my proposal. The simple shape of the symbol is meant to encapsulate the main objectives of the Consortium: recovery, enhancement and protection of the territory. The shape is reminiscent of a leaf,  whose veins are replaced by the canals that guarantee the water and environmental balance of the territory. The smaller canals flow into one large one, symbolising the union of the various bodies working together for a common goal: reclamation. The work carried out daily by each individual operator thus becomes fundamental in meeting the needs of the entire community and territory.Colour also plays an important role: the use of different types of green and blue, combined with the dynamic, sinuous shape of the leaf, make it lively and strongly distinctive.Immediacy and readability are the reasons why I chose Helvetica Neue, series condensed bold for the logo, as it reinforces the identity of the Consortium. 
Overall, the symbol is easy to remember and recognise.

2° place  in the competition organised by the Consorzio di Bonifica Pianura Friulana

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Consorzio di Bonifica Pianura Friulana


Consorzio di Bonifica Pianura Friulana
