Corinne Kelley's profile

Public Service Announcement Posters

Project 3:
Public Service Announcement Posters
I am a BYU-Idaho student taking a Graphic Design class. The final project for this class was to creative Public Service Announcement posters on a topic that we picked ourselves. I was able to work with the topic of Fire Prevention. Fire Prevention is something that affects a lot of people around the world. Each and every person can make a difference, even if it is in small ways. Things as simple as putting your fire out when camping or not dropping your cigarettes on the ground. The purpose of this project was to help us gain a deeper understanding about designing posters that are powerful and can help people make a difference.
Research on Poster Examples:
Initial Sketches:
Digital Compositions Round 1:
Digital Compositions Round 2:
Final Images:
Mock Up:
In conclusion, I learned a lot about fire prevention as well as creating effective and powerful Public Service Announcement posters. I learned more about my ability to design and how I can effectively create a set of posters that will change people's mindset and get them to think about fire prevention in a way that they haven't had to before. 
Public Service Announcement Posters

Public Service Announcement Posters
