'Deirdre of the Sorrows'
An environment made from recycled material for my elective course on Mythology for my university. The piece is based on the Irish folklore tale "Deirdre of the Sorrows", a favourite of mine. Alongside the classic use of paper maché, the tree is made from the top of an umbrella, the box is a repurposed apple box and a blue toned terry cloth gives thickness to the water it is supposed to be, and finally the tiny addition of a small duck miniature removed from earbuds. I made this in university at a time when I didn't have money for a lot of materials and I'm really proud of how I managed to repurpose recycled material and what I had on had to make something truly eery.
This two tier set is concept art for a larger project. My task was to create a scaled example of what a set for a showing of Hamlet could be and I decided to try and combine the external foreboding structure of castle ruins and their plethora of hiding spots. I wanted to bring it inside as a parallel for how much less at home Hamlet feels as he becomes more and more suspicious, with white sheets between stone pillars representing both the thin veil between life and death in the story, to give the scene a feeling of false safety, and to emphasis the weight of the 'stone' steps and floor and juxtapose is against the fragile characters who would walk among them and under daunting ceiling. I used small wire figures to represent Hamlet and his retinue.
'Walk the Dog'
I made this set for a pitch who's purpose was to showcase visual concepts to a musician who was performing in the Sounds of Music festival in Groningen and required moving visuals to be projected behind them to match their music piece. My pitch was for a stop-motion film and I used all the materials at my disposal to try create a scene that was both dark and full of light, one that could be moved back and forth between story and aesthetic using a drawing model as a puppet. As we were working in a group, after the pitch we combined our ideas and the resulting project was for us to work together and each have a three minute section of the music that we would edit together. This resulted in me taking the influence of light and texture of light from the set and creating my visuals by playing with light through gel and crystal balls, with glitter etc. I did this through filming real objects rather than CGI as I enjoyed the unexpected nature of the real material reacting to lights and movement. I'm very satisfied with the result, seeing the bright colors and movement projected and combined with our lighting design (led by me) and the vivid music was truly enjoyable. The final visuals with my section of the music ("Walk the Dog" by Evan Ziporyn).

