Sophia Valentini's profile

Dead End Distillery

Dead End Distillery
The Label Designs
Bourbon & Scotch Bottles
Glasses, Wax Seal, Cards
The Logo
This was my college Graphic Design Final Thesis.
From the start, I had known I wanted to base my thesis on brand design. After further thinking about what I had wanted to create a brand for, I had decided that a distillery would be something I could work with vastly in terms of product design. 

    Personally, I don’t have any meaningful connection to whisky or distilleries. I am part Scottish on my mum’s side of the family which is why I had based the brand identity from Scottish Graveyards. Yet in fact I’d say my connection to alcohol in general is rather a negative one; alcoholism has taken some of my closest family members and I have even fallen witness to its negative effects on people. 

    Most thesis projects may be based on what someone is passionate about. But for me this is something that has made me who I am, in spite of how alcohol has affected my life. 

    Thus, Dead End Distillery became my brand. A macabre and morbid themed whisky brand based on the most haunted graveyards of Scotland. Perfected with traditional craftsmanship and aged just for you, straight from the cask(et)
Dead End Distillery

Dead End Distillery
