Ana Coco's profile

Alvöru “Artic Tours and Vacations”

Alvöru “Artic Tours and Vacations”

Alvöru is a travel agency specialized in trips, tours and accommodation in Iceland. Alvöru is an Icelandic word that means Real, since it is intended to offer real experiences, show the real Iceland and its culture.
Style decisions

For this project I decided to do something minimalist in keeping with the Icelandic culture and landscape. Everything is developed in quadrangular blocks of color, the icons have the same style of the logo, homogeneous lines inspired by the runes of the Nordic culture.
Palette & Tipography

For this project I have been inspired by images of Icelandic glaciers and landscapes, these combine cold and blue colors of ice, water and sky with warm and earthy colors. For the logo and the typography I have used a simple and minimalist font that is elegant but close at the same time. In some cases I have respected the special characters of the Icelandic language.

Alvöru “Artic Tours and Vacations”

Alvöru “Artic Tours and Vacations”
