                           Welcome to the Technonostalgia Magazine Mock-up, in this personal project I try to create fantasy magazine covers that fit the retropunk vibe just a bit. Be immersed in the world heavily influenced by Adventure Time title cards, a little Melanie Martinez and mostly 1950s oil painting advertisements. Enjoy!
Meet Ms. Guinevere Pinkleton, a fashion designer and confectioner in one! She invades every Instagon profile in the whole fantastiverse.

I was really in love with the costume designs in K-12 of Melanie Martinez, mix that with my excitement of Cyberpunk, my unconscious concocted this image to me.
Looks like the world-wide billionaire Felix Felidae has started to conquer the world... with mecha cats?

I have an unconditional love for cats.
Don't Smoke!
The government has released an important announcement:
Cigarettes spawn glowy boys that messes with your head.

My thoughts here: I just hate people smoking too close too me. Yes, that's all.
Barely keeping it together
We all have our weaknesses. everything we're feeling right now is valid. Ever since Felidae conquered the world and started picking us out one-by-one, the only thing we'll have is acceptance of our fate.

This was a vent art of what I've been feeling a lot lately, I'm sometimes confused on what I'm feeling like there's this external squiggly lines trying to swallow me over and spit me out tired and hateful. But you know, there's always going to be that day and it's normal to feel overwhelmed by everything.

Technonostalgia Vol. 420
The human race is officially extinct. All what's left is the robots to fend for themselves!
After Felidae died in 2099 from old age, he has left one important lesson to the robots:


I was practicing how to make robots look aesthetically pleasing here, also about to make a cabbage press meme and then ended up really late in the party. That was suppose to be a cabbage guy being a journalist. It's also not funny I know. It was funny though in my head. Haha


To be honest, the selection of pictures here never have had connections to each other, I drew them in habit just to create something and release my thoughts unto the canvas.
I had fun trying my best to correlate each painting to each other, it felt like giving life to the characters I drew. I am planning to study more world-building so I could introduce the world to my stories.




A series of play-pretend magazine cover arts I made.


Creative Fields