Cheetahs, 32x32 inches, Oil on canvas, 2020
This was a commission done from photo reference. The client had a frame along with a set of photos from his trip to Africa. I started by picking a photo that would work with the frame and I stretched the canvas to size and cropped the photo. This painting is 32 inches by 32 inches. I painted the background loosely and painted the cheetahs on the termite mound with lots of details.
Nala, 12x9 inches, Oil on canvas, 2019
This was a commission based on an existing oil sketch of my own cat. The client asked for her cat in the same style, so I used turpenoid to thin out the oil paint and painted the background with lots of drips. I painted the head of Nala in the foreground with black and white and used lots of detail. I then used a bright green outline around the cat to bring it into focus.
Michelle, 14x11 inches, Oil on canvas, 2019
This commission was made with the intent to portray likeness of the client. I was provided with a photo and was told to include red within the painting as it would work within her home. I changed the color of her shirt in the painting and made it red and added lots of warm tones in her face as a way to warm up the room.

