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Pushkar Properties Calendar 2021

Pushkar Properties Calendar 2021

A calendar for 2021 for a real estate company – what does one communicate after going through one of the toughest years [Covid 19] in recent times? The message had to revolve around ‘hope’ – a ‘no-brainer’ really! The ‘what’ was never the question, the ‘how’ was! We decided to look back at the past to gain new energy for the future. From this was born the line, “In appreciating our past, we unlock our future”. That pretty much summarized the spirit of the calendar and the design flowed from there. We featured the architectural glory of vintage Madras (Chennai) with apt one-liners. The result… we are in the mid of Feb now; but we are still getting appreciation from end users via our client, Pushkar!

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Pushkar Properties Calendar 2021


Project Made For

Pushkar Properties Calendar 2021

A calendar for 2021 for a real estate company – what does one communicate after going through one of the toughest years [Covid 19] in recent time Read More
