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Hobbies become obsession

Hobbies become an Obsession

For most of the last 50 years, technology knew its place. We all spent a lot of time with technology—we drove to work, flew on airplanes, used telephones and computers, and cooked with microwaves. But even five years ago, technology seemed external, a servant. These days, what’s so striking is not only technology’s ubiquity but also its intimacy. It’s taken over many aspects of our lives, and it seems like it’s here to stay. Technology has completely built up, and then ruined, our lives. No matter where we are, no matter where we go, we just can’t seem to take our eyes off our cell phones and smart watches. For two humans unknown to each other, talking is an almost nostalgic experience.
We are spoilt for options
Before Instagram?
Everyone seems to have an Apple
He without a phone looks like a freak now
The new kind of tan
As digitization seems to have rightfully taken over the center stage, the obsession with technology is amplifying and life seems to have become more technically challenged.

Illustrations by yours truly.
Hobbies become obsession


Hobbies become obsession
