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Anamika Madan Discusses Healthy Eating Habits That Red

Anamika Madan Discusses Healthy Eating Habits That Reduce Risk of Diabetes
Health enthusiast Anamika Madan discusses the healthy eating habits that reduce the risk of diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. It generally means that your body is unable to properly use insulin. Many people are able to safely control their blood sugar levels with healthy eating and exercise, even some individuals battling type 2 diabetes. However, others require additional insulin or medication to manage insulin levels. Anamika Madan recently discussed how healthy eating habits can reduce your risk of diabetes and lead to an overall healthier lifestyle.

“Health professionals tend to sound like broken records when discussing how what you eat can affect your mental and physical health,” Anamika Madan said. “But it’s true that healthy eating can lower blood sugar and delay or even prevent the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes.”

Anamika Madan explained that fiber is essential to keeping blood sugar levels low. Fiber can even lessen the negative impacts, known as spikes, caused by other more harmful carbs. Health professionals recommend 25 to 50 grams of fiber per day for people with diabetes. Most Americans only consume 15 grams of fiber per day. Anamika Madan added that other foods high in fiber include brown sugar, quinoa, whole grains, beans, and vegetables.

“Adding spice is one of the easiest ways to reduce the chance of developing diabetes through your diet,” Anamika Madan said. “Basil, sage, parsley, cumin, and oregano have all been proven to boost insulin production and lower blood sugar.”

Anamika Madan added that spices can serve as a tasty substitute for sodium, which tends to raise blood pressure. They’ve also been proven to have antioxidants that can prevent inflammation and tissue damage that is commonly caused by high blood sugar.

Anamika Madan suggested making the quick and easy fix of switching from white rice to brown rice. She cited a study in which 200,000 people replaced just one-third of their daily rice servings with brown rice instead of white rice. This study showed that this simple change can lower the risk of diabetes by 16 percent. Replacing all rice with barley or another whole wheat has the potential to reduce the risk of diabetes up to 36 percent.

“Of course, health professionals recommend reducing your salt and sugar intake as much as possible and opting for healthy carbs over unhealthy ones,” Anamika Madan said. “These are the tips we hear time and time again from health professionals, but they have been proven effective in battling numerous chronic diseases.”

Anamika Madan Discusses Healthy Eating Habits That Red

Anamika Madan Discusses Healthy Eating Habits That Red
