Perseus is a game about a young boy who is looking for meaning in his life after the passing of his beloved grandfather. He wakes up one day only to find out that his grandfather has left him his journal. Inside the journal the grandfather explains that a comet is passing by soon, a comet that the young boy wanted to see his entire life.

Perseus is a 3D puzzle/adventure game made for the Global Game Jam 2021. The game is in grayscale and features puzzles that are color-based.
Most of the puzzles revolve around the player recognizing colored patterns in the environment around him via small Post Processing Volumes that configure the game's saturation via color grading.
The player finds scattered in the environment numbers with the above colors. He sets these numbers in this panel to open a door.
The player should recognize that the green-colored books provide the solution to the adjacent puzzle.
The Source code and the executable for the game can be freely viewed via the link on the top of the page.
Perseus (GGJ 2021)