The first picture represents the word Step. I did not only used the font Rockwell Extra Bold for the word Step. But, I also used the Touch Type Tool to move up the capital T, E, and P too.
The second picture represents the word Subtraction. I used the font called High School Regular to make the word Subtraction look cool. I used the Touch type Tool to rotate the capital I and colored it black to make it look like the Subtraction sign. 
The third picture represents the word Jump. I used the fonts called Consolas and Champagne & Limousine to create Jump. I used the Touch Type Tool to not only make the capital U bigger so it can look like a jump rope. But, I also used it to move the capital M inside the capital U so it can look like the capital J and P is playing jump rope with capital M.
The fourth picture represents the word Catch. I used the font called Market Deco to create Catch. I used the Touch Type Tool to move the capital A, T, and C to not only make it look the capital C is playing catch with the capital H. But, I also made it look the capital C is throwing the three letters to the capital H.
The fifth and final picture represents the word Question. I use the font called Fragment Core Roman to represents the word Question. I used the Glyph Tool to turn the lowercase I into a Question Mark so it will represent the word Question.
This is a picture of the Onomatopoeia project that I did in my ADM-62: Typography and Graphic Design class during the Fall 2020 semester. I used Adobe Illustrator to create five words that represent my Onomatopoeia project. I used the Touch Type Tool to create an illustration for the following words: Step, Subtraction, Catch, Jump, and Question. I got an A on that project.


