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VITAMEE Packaging (School project @ SP)

We wanted to show the hawker heritage side of the brand. Hence, we work on showing elements and scenes from the hawkers. This packaging is of a “series”.  Hence, in future if other flavours are made that are not hawker related. A new series can be made with its theme.  ​​​​​​​
I was inspired by the art style of Charmaine Tan. The strokes made it feel personal. I also liked the angle as it is a view that one would see when walking to a hawker centre.
I wanted customers to be able to see the flavor, so I expanded the size of the bowl. The art style of the noodles was inconsistent with the background, I had to change the noodles. I also added more ingredients so that the flavor is more obvious to the customers.
The colours of the flavors really stood out and the logos match with the color of the bowl. The ingredients also represent the ingredients of the flavor. The background has also been desaturated to give focus to the bowl of noodles.
Final rendered packaging
VITAMEE Packaging (School project @ SP)

VITAMEE Packaging (School project @ SP)
