A short comic done for my fall semester sophomore Concepts class. The prompt was to create a piece inspired by, or containing, three given words. My words were spider, lily, and peacock.
After researching the three organisms, I discovered a common theme of loss that inspired the comic that follows. The red spide lilies depicted on page three are symbols of death in traditional Chinese and Japanese culture. They also represent lovers or friends who are destined never to meet again. The spider depicted is of a specific variety, Stegodyphus lineatus. If successful in defending their eggs against more aggressive male spiders, the female spiders of this species will give up its body as food for its babies. The peafowl I chose is a peahen, which lacks the colorful plumage of the male peacock. Personally, I find that a bit sad. 
For the comic, I decided to focus mainly on dramatic lighting and composition. The words are my own. 
Read from right to left, top to bottom. 


A comic about life, loss, and beauty created as an assignment for concepts class.
