Art historical reference photograph

Reference a selected non-photographic work of art and create your interpretation photographically, paying close attention to the lighting, posing, props and colors that the original artist used to make the piece successful.
Studio Portrait - Phase 2 final
Create a compelling color portrait of a person in the studio. Use props, wardrobe and set design elements to add interest and depth to your image. Use the appropriate lighting decisions to fit the tone of your subject. Give thought to ratio, separation as well as accent lighting. Posing, expression and gesture should all support the mood of the image.
Outdoor Portait - Phase 2 final
Choose the best outdoor light you can find and supplement it with a reflector or additional light to create a beautiful color outdoor portrait. Think about creating depth in the image. Also consider color coordination, wardrobe, location and composition when setting up your image
Alternative Lighting
Pop Star
PR in studio portrait
Homage to Arnold Newman
Environmental Portrait
Fashion Portrait
Alternative PR portrait
Family in home portrait
Executive Portrait


Portraits that I have taken


Creative Fields