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Grave of the Fireflies Title Sequence Project

Grave of the Fireflies 
Title Sequence Project
The song used in this animation is "Setsuko and Seita" which is composed by Michio Mamiya
For a project in my animation course we had to recreate a title sequence of a film. The film I choose was Grave of the Fireflies. The idea behind this title sequence was to take and walk the viewer through the plot or at least half the plot of Grave of the Fireflies with visual motifs and backgrounds that represent the movie. The idea is that an audience will understand the title sequence more after watching the full film. Time crunch had prevented me from showing the full plot walk through.
Shown below is a storyboard panel to the final product of the train station
Simplifying diffrent aspects into the movie was key to this. For example the train station and town were broken down to bare bones with key elements being: the fireflies and fires. The idea of doing this is to show elements of the film without having to painstakingly do everything in high detail. Also the contrast of a more basic vector-esq introduction before the film transitioning into a much more detailed animation is also an interesting transition flip for viewers. 
Upon doing the animation for this title sequence an area which I had struggled with is making the fire in the village. The way I ended up fulfilling that part of the sequence was by following this tutorial video and applying it in a more basic sense for what I needed to do for my animation.
Grave of the Fireflies Title Sequence Project

Grave of the Fireflies Title Sequence Project
