Gelato Café, Kupang

Interior Design of Gelato Café in Kupang, NTT
Location : Fetor Funay Street, Kolhua District, Kupang, NTT.
Area       : 70 sqm (Interior of built shop house)
Type       : Commercial (F&B)
Client      : Mr. Edward

Gelato café interior design in a shop in Kupang City.
Utilizing a shophouse with a size of 10 x 7 meters in Kupang, NTT, Gelato Café is designed to comfortably accommodate activities to enjoy gelato in the heat of Kupang City while chatting with friends. The café uses raw materials as its main theme by exposing bricks, concrete, and wood while maintaining its original texture.
Project Site ( Interior )
Gelato Café, Kupang

Gelato Café, Kupang
