Anna Bel Dyden's profile

Enchanting Portrait

by Anna Bel

Stages of artistic processing:

1) Analysis of the original image; 
2) Technical cleaning (patna, flaws, distracting elements, defects, etc.);
3) Plastic and modeling of the contours and outlines of the model; 
4) Drawing light and shadow; 
5) Colloristics of the photo;
6) Drawing of small details, complementing the full picture; 
7) Final work with color.

A little about this project: I like artistic retouching because with its help I can lure the viewer's eye to the main thing, evoking certain emotions and feelings in him. The snapshot itself is already a masterpiece with an idea. My task is to strengthen the presentation of this idea and correct the imperfection of color rendition in the sources RAW.

Photo owner: Jay Lay
Retoucher: Anna Belenko

Thanks for Attention
Follow me to my instagram - @retouch_annabel ← link

Enchanting Portrait


Enchanting Portrait
