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Book cover - Design

Book Cover - Design
I was asked to design a wraparound book cover for an up and coming author. It needs to be eye-catching, polished and very professional to compete on bookshelves amongst the competition. ​​​​​​​
Book cover
Title: View from Inside
Author: Susan Vallis
Target Audience: Age 14 - 25, mostly female audience
A novel dealing with life, loss and the redemptive power of love.
Sandy’s mother left when she was very young and her father is a businessman and always away. She is often left with the nanny.
Sandy has an assignment to do. Instead she goes on-line and meets a boy who is in prison. She decides to write to him and now he has written back!
Sandy finds herself falling for the boy with wild dark hair, blue eyes and a terrible past.
When her father finds out she must choose between losing the people who mean the most to her at home or risk setting herself up for heartbreak.

Book cover - Design

Book cover - Design
