Nadine Hoppe's profileNora Raab's profile

MeatYou - facts about animals as food

MEAT YOU – facts about animals as food

"MEAT YOU" is an interactive exhibition concept that comes to people during the Corona lockdown. The exhibition can take place in public places. The aim of the exhibition is to educate people about meat production and animals as food and to address people directly and make them question their own consumption. 

The interactive screens that make up the exhibition explain the facts about animal husbandry, the conditions in slaughterhouses and the effects of "cheap meat" in a blunt way. Visitors are confronted quite directly with the topic of "cheap meat" and meat consumption. 

The visitor can interactively switch between different facts on the large screens and use them to access further background information, images and video material. Another function of the screens is a 360-degree tour. Using navigation arrows, people can move through different locations from the animals' point of view, such as a fattening farm or a slaughterhouse. The viewer is brought closer to the scene and the animal suffering. Other features are a survey and a quiz that get visitors more involved. 


 "MEAT YOU" uses an honest visual language. It is a direct exhibition concept,
which brings people into reality.  

project work by Nadine Hoppe and Nora Raab
Hochschule Pforzheim 2020

MeatYou - facts about animals as food

MeatYou - facts about animals as food
