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Explore: South Australia

The South Australian Tourism Commission (SATC) is set up by the South Australian Government to promote the state as a holiday destination. However, the commission is currently achieving lesser than the expected results in their key regions of promotion over the years, including the Adelaide City, Mount Gambier, Barossa Valley, Kangaroo Island and the Yorke Peninsula. 

This is a student project involving the creation of a series of materials to be used in a tourism campaign, including the design of a poster, booklet and mobile application. The campaign is built on the use of mascots to visualise each of the regions of promotion, as inspired by the Japanese 'ゆるキャラ' (Yuru-Chara) concept. This strategy is aimed to tap into the younger generation with the charms of cuteness, and explore the whole of South Australia along with the company of characters. 

All characters designed in this campaign connote certain tourism locations in the state. The trait resemblance helps the audience in connecting real-life places with the characters, and thus creating a memorable travel experience. In addition, vibrant colours are predominantly used throughout the materials, establishing a fun and engaging atmosphere to invite the audience.
Explore: South Australia

Explore: South Australia
